About Us

Ecoreco Foundation

In today’s world, electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, the convenience and connectivity they provide come at a significant environmental cost. Electronic waste, or E-waste, is one of the fastest-growing waste streams globally, posing a serious threat to human health and the environment. Ecoreco Foundation, a non-profit organization (NPO), is dedicated to tackling this critical issue by promoting responsible E-waste disposal, educating youth and informal workers, and fostering a circular economy.


Ecoreco Foundation transforms E-waste management through innovative recycling, education, and employability programs, instilling environmental stewardship and empowering youth for a sustainable future.


Ecoreco Foundation reshapes global E-waste, turning disposal into regeneration. We aim to empower responsible waste management beyond E-waste and prioritize a circular economy for a sustainable future.


* Education *
* Empowerment *
* Collaboration *
* Sustainability *
* Transparency *

Our Focus Areas

Ecoreco Foundation serves as a catalyst for change through a multi-faceted approach


Ecoreco Foundation has already made significant strides in its mission to combat E-waste and promote sustainable practices. Here are some of its notable achievements :

Waste Wisdom Campaign

Youth Wisdom, E-waste Freedom.

SkillUp Recycle Campaign

Empowering Lives & Building Futures Through Skill and Sustainability.

Circular Catalyst Campaign

Responsible Recycling Today, Circular Economy Tomorrow.

Social Impact

Your support enables us to create positive outcomes for both society and the environment

Discover More


Trust Deed
Registration Certificate
80G Registration
Registration Certificate under 12A
Registration to undertake CSR Activities
